Monday, February 20, 2006

A Learning Experience

We had a very important game yesterday. A win would've propelled us to the playoffs automatically. A loss makes our last game (next week, a rematch against Unilab) a must-win one.

In perhaps the most exhilirating game I've been part of in my four seasons of playing in the ABL, we lost a nailbiter, 45-44, to Accenture. I have to give it to them though. They don't look like a good team, yet they manage to keep winning.

We played terrible throughout the game. We would've gone scoreless in the second period had I not converted a driving layup. We still only wound up with 8 points in the first half.

With about 3 minutes or so to go, we were behind by 13. Under normal circumstances, that would've been a hopeless case. We didn't back down though and we took the challenge head on. We slowly inched closer as we were only down 1 with 24 seconds left, with the ball in our hands.

It was the best scenario. Having been down by a huge margin, yet having the chance to win the game with the last shot. It will be perhaps the last possession of the game. Win or lose, we had the last shot. Or so we thought.

We bungled the last possession as I chose to pass off instead of creating my own. We got tied up as the buzzer sounded. We weren't able to launch a shot attempt off even with an eternity of time.

Being the court general of the team, I take full responsibility for the miscue. I should've put everything in my hands and see how fate turns out. Anything in retrospect though, will always be the best option. It's beyond me now so I can't dwell on that anymore.

This is a learning experience for me. Next time, I know what to do. Step back people, I'm taking over. I'm taking the last shot. For the win.

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