Wednesday, February 22, 2006


The past two weeks, I've had two chances to win games for my team in the last seconds. For both instances, I squandered the opportunites I was given. I missed two crucial freethrows during one game while I botched a potential gamewinning play on another. Needless to say, I choked both times.

I was able to redeem myself last night. I had my usual Tuesday night scrimmage over at the Department of Agriculture. Leading by one point, I was fouled with about three seconds remaining. I could basically clinch the game if I convert both charities. They would have very little time to launch a game-tying three inbounding from our baseline. All I need was to sink both shots.

I leisurely took the two freethrows to take away the pressure. Sometimes when I concentrate too much I lose my focus and end up missing. I swished both shots.

Finally, redemption was on hand.

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