Saturday, February 04, 2006

Surprise Party

My good friend's beau hosted a surprise party for him last night over at Greenbelt 2. It was quite an intimate gathering as only family and select friends came over to celebrate with the birthday boy. I'm not sure how she managed to pull it off since she didn't know a lot of our friends, especially from our high school and college days. Anyhow, she did a fantastic job and it was one amazing party.

Also, I've never seen such an unending flow of booze. Cocktails and beer were being delivered in hordes. I'm not really much of a drinker, as my friends can attest to that. However, I succumbed to the temptation and had my fair share of Gin Sevens (or was it Gin Sprite?). I must admit they got be buzzed up so bad that towards the end of the night, my taste buds were damn awful. Worse, I woke up with the nastiest hangover I've had in recent time. It's all good though as the party rocked.

Unlimited booze. Wonderful company. Great friends. Awesome fun. There's really nothing more you could ask for.

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