Monday, February 27, 2006


I've had a not-so-good week so far. I've been bothered by a lot of thoughts lately. My mind's been bombarded with so many concerns and issues that've been keeping me up the past few days. I felt like I had to make some choices and I don't want to screw up.

I've talked to a few people, asking for their insights and opinions. I got varied results from that. Though they helped me in one way or another, I still wasn't able to decide on what I was going to do. So I had to come up with other options.

I felt like I needed a girl's point-of-view. I have all the male opinions I need (including mine) and it was now time to get ideas from the female species. I sought for a really good friend of mine, who I know will give honest if not brutal comments if needed. I just got off the phone with her a while ago and we had such an elightening chat. She cleared some of the stuff that bothered me so much, and things started to make a lot more sense. She gave me insights on certain things I'd never would've thought of. It was a refreshing conversation to say the least.

I still have a lot more to think about but I think I have it easier now as compared to a couple of days ago.

Thanks bud, you've been of great help.

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