Thursday, February 02, 2006

Season Debut

Finally after two games, I had my season debut for Ateneo Adidas in the ABL. Here's a brief recap for those who may not have been following my posts. I was suspended for the first game of the season because of an incident/infraction that happened last year with my other team. I had to serve the 1-game ban this year. We badly lost that first game. The second game was a bummer. Our opponents did not show up so we won by forfeiture or default. What an incredible start to the 2006 season eh?

Anyway, we played against Ateneo Unilab last Saturday over at Reyes Gym. For some reason, it's quite difficult playing there as most players feel the rim is too hard. Not much shooter's roll or bounce, unlike in other gyms. Add the fact that our official game ball this year bounces more like tits of a 38D woman. I'm kidding, but you get the drift right? It's just too bouncy.

At any rate, we lost the game 56-46. In my opinion, we could've won the game if it were not for conditioning problems and utter bad luck. My teammates were hell tired after a couple of fullcourt runs. We didn't have enough people to rotate so we had to make do with two subs. Moreover, we missed 59 shots. Damn that's a lot. What's worse is that about 40 of those shots were good, open looks. They just wouldn't drop in for us. Oh well, that's all water under the bridge now. We got four more games and the next is this Sunday, a rematch with Ateneo San Miguel Beer.

Hopefully we all get our act together and get real W. This time I don't want it to be a win by forfeiture.

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