Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Spirit of Edsa

As the country commemorates the 20th anniversary of the 1986 People Power Revolution, I also look back and remember the vivid memories I had there. My mom brought me and my brother along as we braved the danger of treading down the long highway with a battalion of tanks and artillery lurking behind. I will never forget the Cory and Doy pins we had on, as well as the big bright yellow Laban foam-fingers neatly wrapped around our hands. These propaganda materials were reduced to mere playthings for my brother and I.

I was four years old then. I had no idea what was going on. Little did I know that what I was about to witness was history in the making, a bloodless revolt paving the way for our country to achieve democracy. A era was about to end, and a new beginning was forthcoming.

As the country celebrates and memoirs are relived, I can and will always look back and say proudly that as diminutive and clueless as I was then, I was part of Edsa 1986.

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